Club News, Covid Updates | 14th Sep 2020
14th September 2020 Scottish Rugby can confirm that the club game can move from Return to Rugby Stage 3 to Stage 4 of the Scottish Rugby Return to Rugby Roadmap as of 14 September 2020. This step has been approved by the Scottish Government. As of 14 September, modified full contact activities and small sided […]
Wellbeing Pages | 12th Sep 2020
They say life is for living and how true that is, however The reality is that the majority of our life isn’t insta worthy and the monotony of the daily grind can be hard going. How do I clear my head? I work hard to maintain a healthy work/life balance and do more of the […]
Wellbeing Pages | 11th Sep 2020
How I clear my head ? I have quite a few ways of doing it most without realizing I’m actually doing it . For me I usually think of things that I enjoy I find this best for clearing my head of any problems I might have . During school I tend to lose concentration […]
Wellbeing Pages | 10th Sep 2020
Mental health is usually only spoken about in a bad way or when someone is having a rough time. This has to change! No one should be embarrassed or hide how they are feeling. We need to talk about how we are feeling and put an end to the stigma around Mental health. It’s ok […]
Club News | 9th Sep 2020
How do I clear my head? It is such a good question…..With so many answers. For me everyday day is different but it always starts the same way- My Bullet Journal. I have a pretty active mind – always racing and running with ideas, thoughts, daydreams, problems, issues and things needing done. So the first […]
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